Deputy Director of Fraunhofer ENAS and Head of Department
1. studies in electrical engineering and completed doctoral thesis to Dr.-Ing. at TH Karl-Marx- Stadt
2. Postdoctoral lecturing qualification to Dr.-Ing. habil. in the field of electrical engineering/
information technology at University of Technology Chemnitz (1996)
3. Development engineer at SENTECH Instruments GmbH, Berlin (1997 - 1998)
4. Since 1998 group leader/ head of department at Fraunhofer IZM, Department Multi Device
5. Since 2008 deputy head of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS (7/2008 -
12/2010 Fraunhofer Research Institution for Electronic Nano Systems)
6. Appointment of Honorary Professor of Chongqing University (China) in the year 2004
7. Appointment as Honorary Professor at the University of Technology Chemnitz in the year 2008
8. Since May 2016 acting Director of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS
9. Since October 2016 Chair for Microtechnology at University of Technology Chemnitz
10. Since October 2016 Director of the Center for Microtechnologies of the University of Technology
11. More than 220 publications and 26 patents and published patent applications
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