Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations
The hardcopy of the Ph.D theses and dissertations are available in the LRC and softcopy of the same is available in the LRC-DRS(local repository) as well as in Shodhganga repository. The LRC is also maintained the hardcopy/Softcopy of the dissertations submitted by the students.
S. No. Accession No. Research Scholar Supervisor Title Subject Year
141 T00141 Parul Sharma Ashwani Mathur Evaluating the properties of casted and electrospun chitosan blend membranes as alternative surface for vero cells culture Biotechnology 2017
142 T00142 Kanchan Tyagi Alka Tripathi Generalization of topology, automata and decision theory using rough fuzzy sets Mathematics 2017
143 T00143 A. Ibeyaima Indira P. Sarethy and Roop Lal Bioprospection of actinomycetes from Indian desert and antimicrobial activity of selected isolates Biotechnology 2018
144 T00144 Maitreyi Upadhyay Suneet Kumar Awasthi Study of one dimensional photonic crystal based optical devices Physics 2018
145 T00145 Sangeeta Neetu Sardana and Ashish Sureka Prediction of log statements in open source java code constructs Computer Science & IT 2018
146 T00146 Satyendra Kumar Hariom Gupta and Kaushik Saha Robust low power low voltage SRAM design Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
147 T00147 Kunti Devi Mishra Bhagwati Prasad Chamola Some investigations in fractal theory Mathematics 2018
148 T00148 Kishore Thapliyal Anirban Pathak Theoretical study of nonclassical effects in optical and spin systems and their applications Physics 2018
149 T00149 Archana Purwar Sandeep Kumar Singh Design of improved approaches for handling missing values attribute noise and imbalanced classes Computer Science & IT 2018
150 T00150 Hema N. K. Rajalakshmi and Krishna Kant AWS- data driven smart irrigation system Computer Science & IT 2018
151 T00151 Kirmender Singh R. C Jain and A. B Bhattacharyya Modeling deep submicron MOS transistor for ultra low-power analog and RF circuits design Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
152 T00152 Yashika Rustagi Vibha Rani Profiling and characterization of microRNAs from embryonic chick heart Biotechnology 2018
153 T00153 Anand Kumar Jitendra Kumar and Hari Om Gupta Metamaterial designs and its applications to microstrip patch antenna Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
154 T00154 Ajay Singh Rahul Sharma Investment behaviour for Indian securities market: a study of individual investors in NCT Delhi Management 2018
155 T00155 Reema Budhiraja R.C. Jain and Shweta Srivastava On wave propagation in uniform and non-uniform cylindrical waveguides Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
156 T00156 Komal Goyal Bhagwati Prasad Chamola Studies on fixed point theory for various maps in general spaces Mathematics 2018
157 T00157 Shruti Kalra Shweta Srivastava and A. B. Bhattacharyya Analyticals study on temperature dependence of nanoscale digital CMOS circuits using charge based a - power MOSFET model and an illustrative design application of a digital temperature sensor Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
158 T00158 Gaurav Verma Vijay Khare Analysis of power reduction techniques and low power estimation model for FPGA implementations Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
159 T00159 Mukul Jain Naseem Abidi and Rajnish Kumar Misra E-procurement espousal and assessment: study of Indian car manufacturers Management 2018
160 T00160 Abhishek Jain Richa Gupta Improvement on salt and pepper noise removal algorithms and development of functional verification methods for image processing designs Electronics and Communication Engineering 2018
Viewing 141 - 160 of 375 entries