Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations
The hardcopy of the Ph.D theses and dissertations are available in the LRC and softcopy of the same is available in the LRC-DRS(local repository) as well as in Shodhganga repository. The LRC is also maintained the hardcopy/Softcopy of the dissertations submitted by the students.
S. No. Accession No. Research Scholar Supervisor Title Subject Year
41 T00041 Badri Nath Y. Medury and Debashis Chatterjee An examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence, leadership styles and leadership effectiveness Management 2013
42 T00042 Sweta Goel Rahul Sharma and Mukta Mani Gupta Performance of mutual funds and investors' behaviour Management 2013
43 T00043 Gajendra Bahadur Singh Nidhi Gupta and Sanjay Gupta Microbial screening and expression of gene involved in carbazole degradation Biotechnology 2013
44 T00044 Richa Gupta N. Kalyanasundaram and Bhu Dev Sharma Variable length error-correcting codes and reversible variable length codes: analysis and applications Electronics and Communication Engineering 2013
45 T00045 Jasmine Saini N. Kalyanasundaram and Krishna Gopal Small-signal field analysis of GYRO-TWT amplifier Electronics and Communication Engineering 2014
46 T00046 Pooja Gupta Sandeep K Singh, Divakar Yadav and A. K. Sharma A novel approach for context based focused search engine Computer Science & IT 2014
47 T00047 Harsvardhan Tiwari Krishna Asawa Design of cryptographic hash functions based on MD and MD variant Computer Science & IT 2014
48 T00048 Manish Kumar Thakur Vikas Saxena Tampered videos-detection and quality assessment Computer Science & IT 2014
49 T00049 Mahima Rani Navneet Kumar Sharma Studies on surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic sensors Physics 2014
50 T00050 Barkha Rohtagi Bhu Dev Sharma and Amrish K. Aggarwal Some special classes of efficient multiple bursts codes Mathematics 2014
51 T00051 Ankita Gaur Bhu Dev Sharma Efficient codes with class errors of SK-Metric and polynomial power-product composition for codes Mathematics 2014
52 T00052 Anushri Verma Amrish Kumar Aggarwal Some thermal stability problems of elastico-viscous, ferromagnetic and nanofluids Mathematics 2014
53 T00053 Amita Agnihotri Krishna Gopal and N. Kalayanasundaram Large signal field theory of linear beam traveling wave tube amplifier Electronics and Communication Engineering 2014
54 T00054 Rajkumar Verma Bhu Dev Sharma Information measures and aggregation operators on fuzzy/ intuitionistic fuzzy sets with applications in decision making Mathematics 2014
55 T00055 Nidhi Singla Papia Chowdhury Exploring the proton transfer dynamics of some hydrogen bonded heterocyclic molecules in different environments Physics 2014
56 T00056 Eliza Sharma Mukta Mani A study on performance of Indian commercial banks and its relationship with human aspects in banking Humanities & Social Sciences 2014
57 T00057 Neha Jain Vandana Ahuja E-marketing and the consumer decision making process Management 2014
58 T00058 Sunaina Ahuja Nripendra Singh Destination branding: a holistic approach for brand architecture in tourism industry Management 2014
59 T00059 Kumar Shalender Nripendra Singh Development of marketing flexibility measurement scale for automobile companies Management 2014
60 T00060 Anchala S. P. Purohit and K. C. Mathur Some studies on linear and nonlinear optical properties of intraband transitions in silicon quantum dots Physics 2014
Viewing 41 - 60 of 377 entries