Educational Qualifications
- PhD in English Literature, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- M.Phil. in Comparative Indian Literature, Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi
- Masters in English Literature, Department of English, University of Delhi
- Bachelors (Honors) in English Literature, Maitreyi College, Universityof Delhi
- UGC-NET in English Literature
Dr Mohua Dutta is an accomplished academician and researcher with specialization in English Literature. Her PhD research, in the field of Migration Studies, highlights the historically underrepresented and understudied patterns of migration in Indiathrough the lenses of class, caste, and gender. Dr. Dutta holds Bachelor’s, Master’s and M.Phil. degrees from the University of Delhi. Her M.Phil. dissertation examined the comparative analysis and evolution of graphic narratives in India, from comics to graphic novels.She also has nearly three years of teaching experience at Amity University Gurgaon, where she was the Academic Programme Coordinator of B.A. (H) English and M.A. English Programme for two years. She alsohastwo years of publishing sector experience as an Editor at Worldview Publications, Delhi. WhilepursuingherPhD,Dr. Duttawas aStudent Tutor at IIT Kanpurand as a TeachingAssistant for an NPTEL/SWAYAM course on Postcolonial Literature. In addition to her academic accomplishments, Dr. Dutta has also presented her research at various national and international conferences and published in reputable national and international journals.
Work Experience
- Assistant Professor (Grade 1): Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, August 2024 – Present
- Teaching Assistant: NPTEL/SWAYAM, 2017-2022
- Student Tutor: IIT Kanpur, 2017-2021
- Assistant Professor: Amity University Gurgaon, 2013–2016
- Editor:WorldviewPublications,2011-2013
Interest Area(s)
- Migration and Mobility Studies, Comics & Graphic Novels, Postcolonial Literature, Indian English Literature, Popular Literature
- Mohua Dutta and Sayan Chattopadhyay. “Impact of Urban Migration on Caste: Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance and Rural-to-Urban Caste Migration in India.” Contemporary Voice of Dalit (Sage; ISSN: 2455-328X), OnlineFirst (May 26, 2024). DOI: 10.1177/2455328X241245887
- Mohua Dutta. “The Journey from ‘Darkness’ to ‘Light’: Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger and the Phenomenon of Rural to Urban Internal Migration in India.” Journal of Migration Affairs (TISS Mumbai; ISSN: 2582-0990), vol. IV, no. 2, March 2022, pp. 89-105. DOI: 10.36931/jma.2022.4.2.89-105
- Mohua Dutta and Sayan Chattopadhyay. “Midnight’s Children as a Superhero Novel: Contesting the Politics of Superheroes and Supervillains.” Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies (University of Nebraska Press; ISSN: 1946-2204), vol. 12, no. 1-2, Summer-Winter 2020, pp. 79-103. DOI: 10.1353/stw.2020.a902752
- Attended the Purdue University (Indiana) Progressive South Asia Collective (PSAC) Inaugural Lecture Series, September-October, 2024.
- Attended the ‘Critical Philosophy of Caste and Race’ conference organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi, 7-8 March, 2024.
- Presented a paper titled “The Silenced Majority: Anita Desai’s Cry, the Peacock and Marriage Migration in India” at The Migration Conference in Rabat (Morocco), 7-10 September, 2022.
- Participated in the Kanpur Writers Penmanship Workshop, organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur, 15 April, 2022.
- Attended a workshop on ‘Contemporary Indian Cinemas: Heterogeneities and Possibilities’ at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IISER Bhopal, 28- 29 February, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “The Journey from ‘Darkness’ to ‘Light’: Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger and the Role of Myth of the Ideal Indian Village in Rural to Urban Internal Migration in India” at Research Scholars’ Day, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur, 18-19 January, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “The Journey from ‘Darkness’ to ‘Light’: Exploring the Role of Myth of the Ideal Indian Village in Rural to Urban Internal Migration in India” at the Association of Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies (ACLALS) Triennial Conference at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 15-19 July, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “Midnight’s Children as Superhero Fiction: Contesting the Politics of Superheroes and Supervillains” at Research Scholars’ Day, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur, 24-25 March, 2018.
- Attended a one-day International Workshop on Transdisciplinary in Teaching and Research, organized by Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Gurgaon, 19 July, 2016.
- Presented a paper on “A Study of Indian Graphic Novels with special reference to Sarnath Banerjee’s The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers” at the International Conference on Comparative Literature and Culture, 11-12 September, 2015.
- Presented a paper on “The Process of Assimilation and Identity Crisis: In Search of Self and Home in Persepolis 2” at the International Conference on Advances in English Studies and Women Empowerment, 21-22 August, 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Assimilation or Identity Crisis: Reading Persepolis 2 as a Postmodern Feminist Text” at the National Conference on Language, Literature and Culture, organized by the Department of English, Manav Rachna University, 30 May, 2015.
- Attended a one-day National Workshop on Advanced Level Research Methodologyconducted by ELTAI, 24 April, 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Sarnath Banerjee’s The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers: Mediating History and Fiction”attheNationalSeminaronContemporaryNarrativesofSubversion, organized by the Department of English, Ramanujan College, Universityof Delhi,20-21 March, 2015.