Dr. Purwa Srivastava has 6 years of experience in academics. She has taught subjects Financial management, Management of financial institution and services, Security analysis and investment management, Financial accounting, Financial modeling.Her prior work experience includes Amity university, Noida, North Cap university, Gurugram and ABES engineering college , Ghaziabad. She also holds a corporate experience of 3.5 years in Banking sector. She has published research papers in peer-reviewed Journals indexed in SCOPUS, SCI and Google scholar and ABDC. She has presented papers in International and National Conferences and attended numerous Faculty Development Programmes, Workshops and Seminars.\
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. (Finance) from JIIT , Noida
- MBA (Finance) from Banasthali Vidyapith
Work Experience
9.5 years
Interest Area(s)
Stock Market and its instruments , Banking, Mutual Fund, Financial Accounting,
Research Publications
- P Srivastava, & S Varshney “Investment pattern of domestic institutional investors”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research ,Vol 31 , No. 4, pp 433-455 (2023).(Scopus)
- P Srivastava, & S Varshney “Domestic institutional investors and Sectoral indices of India: a Toda Yamamoto approach”, Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 27, No.1, pp 187-208 (2023). (Scopus)
- P Srivastava, & S Varshney., “ How volatility effect the behaviour of institutional investors”, Global Business Economic and Review, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp 43–71 (2022). (Scopus)
- Gupta M & Srivastava P,Mishra A & Sahoo M., “Time-varying volatility spillover of foreign exchange rate in three Asian markets: Based on DCC-GARCH approach”, Theoretical and Applied Economics (2021).Volume XXIX (2021), No. 4(629), Winter, pp. 105-120.(ABDC- C category)
- Sahoo M, Gupta M & Srivastava P ., "Does Information and Communication Technology and Financial Development Lead to Environmental Sustainability in India ? An Empirical insight", Telematics and Informatics. Elsevier Ltd, (2021). (SSCI, Scopus )
- Srivastava P, & Varshney S .,“The relationship of domestic institutional investors and India stock market returns : An ARDL bound testing approach”, Journal of Transnational Management. Routledge, 25(4), pp. 1–20. (2020) (Scopus)
- Varshney S, & Srivastava P ., “A Study on the Movement Of Initial Coin Offering: A Swot Analysis”, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 02, February 2020,(Scopus)
- Srivastava P, & Varshney S .,“The effect created by the instigation of LTCG on ELSS Schemes: A Case of India’, Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies, X(3), p. 43. (2019) (Google Scholar)
- Johri S, Maheshwari T & Sivastava P., “Stock market predictability: Does traditional CAPM model holds good in recent times of Indian companies”, IJSTM volume 05, issue 05 (ISSN 2394-1537)(2016)(Google Scholar)
- PurwaSrivastava, and Sakshi Varshney,"A Review Paper on Institutional Investor’s Endurance in IPO." Available at SSRN 3566278 (2020).
Attended/Abstract published in conferences:
Abstract Published
- P. Srivastava “Taming the Unknown risks: An application of ICT for mitigating the effects of natural disasters”, National conference for Natural Calamities and Mitigating Strategies: Options for Better Tomorrow, March 29th , 2014 held at IEC college of Engineering, Gr. Noida.
- P. Srivastava and S.Varshney, Institutional Investor’s Endurance in IPO: A Literature Review, International Conference on "Translation across Cultures-Dissolving Boundaries: Creating Harmony" (ICTAC-2018), October 4th– 6th, 2018
- P. Srivastava and S.Varshney “A Comparative Study of Future Stock Price Prediction through Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA modeling” at a conference (AIRC 2022), December 9th – 11th held at IIM Lucknow , Noida campus (2022).
National Seminar
- P. Srivastava, Role of cloud computing in contemporary Business, October 1st, 2016,ABES Engineering college.
- P. Srivastava, Intellectual Property rights: Role & importance of ICT in electronics , July 22nd-23rd 2016
Attended FDPs/ Workshops/ Webinars/ Certification Courses
- Attended seven day workshop on Data analysis for multidisciplinary research 2.0 (online mode) on 24th – 30th june 2023 conducted by VIT Vellore , Tamil Nadu.
- Attended Fifteen day Workshop on Financial Modeling using MS excel on January 22nd- 7th February, 2023conducted by ESSGEE digiskills
- Attended One day Faculty Development Programme on Research proposal writing Organised by , the Northcap University, gurugram on September 17,2022
- Attended Three Days Workshop on Multivariate ARCH /GARCH on January 12th-14th 2022 at Amity University, Noida
- Attended five Days Workshop on “Mastering time series and Panel data analysis” on December 2nd -6th 2019 at RDIAS, Delhi
- Attended six Days Faculty Development Programme on Advance data Analysis Technique: Econometrics on May 24th – 29th 2019 at MAIT Rohini, Delhi
- Attended two Days Workshop on “Qualitative research technique” on September 6th – 8th 2018at JIIT , Noida
- Attended seven Days Workshop on “Econometrics – time series and Panel data analysis”on June 6th – 12th 2018 at Lovely Professional University (LPU) Jalandhar, Punjab
- Attended five Days Workshop on “Research methods and data analysis Using SPSS & AMOS” on May 21st -26th 2018 at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
- Attended two Days Workshop on “Rsearch paper writing” on January 19th-20th 2018at JIIT, Noida
- Attended five Days Workshop on “Tools and techniques for data Analysis in management research” on June 20th-25th 2016 at JUIT Waknaghat, Solan
- Attended Two Days Faculty Development Programme on “ Research Methodology using SPSS” on February 5th-6th 2016
- Attended two Days Workshop “Consumer protection and consumer empowerment in India” on Feburary 28th arch 1st 2014 at KIET school of management, Ghaziabad
- NSE’s certification in Financial markets (NCFM) ,AMFI-Mutual fund (advisor) Module
- Attended two Days Workshop “Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Indian Industry” on March 20th – 21st 2004 organized by Women’s Institute for Studies in Development Oriented Management (WISDOM) sponsored by Ministry of HRD, Govt of India.