PhD Admission Even Sem 2025 - Result Announced                      Application Forms for AY 2025-26 shall be available by 01 Feb 2025.

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  • Prof. Pato Kumari



Other Qualifications: M.Phil.

Work Experience: Fifteen years and nine months


  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., Parametric study of stresses induced due to moving load on irregular interface of self-reinforced layer over isotropic substratum, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46, 28, 2024.[Indexed: SCIE; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 2.2]
  • Kumari P., Payal, Response of SH waves in inhomogeneous functionally graded orthotropic layered structure with interfacial imperfections, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 142 (1), 6, 2023.[Indexed: SCI; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 1.3]
  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., Coupled impact of irregularity and magnetoelasticity on crack propagation in orthotropic strip, The European Physical Journal Plus, 138 (8), 1-16, 2023.[Indexed: SCI; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 3.4]
  • Kumari P., Payal, Analysis of integrated effect of irregularity and corrugated interfaces of doubly layered half space on torsional surface wave propagation, Online Published in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023.[Indexed: SCIE; Publisher: Wiley; Impact Factor: 2.9]
  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., On torsional wave in void type porous layers between viscoelastic and piezoelectric media with parabolic irregularity, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-23, 2023.[Indexed: Scopus; Publisher: Taylor & Francis]
  • Kumari P., Payal, Characterization of Torsional Wave in a Bonded Corrugated Dry Sandy Geomedia, Mechanics of Solids, 58 (3), 961-974, 2023.[Indexed: SCIE; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 0.7]
  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., Analysis of Quasi waves in Orthotropic Layer Bonded Between Piezoelectric Half-Spaces with Imperfect and Sliding Interfaces, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 1-26, 2023.[Indexed: SCIE; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 2.7]
  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., Dispersion of Transverse Wave in Magnetoelastic Anisotropic Layered Structure Crammed with Piezoelectric and Self-Reinforced Half Space, Mechanics of Solids, 57, 1475–1499, 2022.       
  • Kumari P., Tomar S. K., Sharma V.K., Dynamical behaviour of torsional waves in a layered composite structure with sliding contact, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15 (6), 1-11, 2022.
  • Kumari P., Srivastava R., On reflection and transmission of qP waves in initially stressed viscoelastic triclinic layer between distinct triclinic geomedia with sliding interface, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-36, 2021.
  • Kumari P., Neha, Dynamics of quasi-seismic wave in an isotropic layer between monoclinic materials overburden by self-reinforced crustal zone, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 31 (6), 1457-1487, 2021.
  • Kumari P., Neha, On quasi-seismic wave propagation in highly anisotropic triclinic layer between distinct semi-infinite triclinic geomedia, Applied Mathematical Modelling 91, 815-836, 2021.
  • Kumari P., Neha, Reflection/transmission of qP (/qSV) wave through orthotropic medium between self-reinforced and orthotropic half-spaces, AIP Conference Proceedings 2214 (1), 020002, 2020.
  • Kumari P., Tripathi S., Sharma V. K., A review of Indian seismic zones based on historical earthquake data using geographical information system, AIP Conference Proceedings 2061 (1), 020038, 2019.
  • Kumari P., Scattering of quasi-longitudinal/transverse seismic wave in the monoclinic strip between different monoclinic half-spaces, AIP Conference Proceedings 2061 (1), 020039        1, 2019.
  • Kumari P., Scattering of quasi seismic waves between self-reinforced and triclinic media, AIP Conference Proceedings 1897 (1), 020015, 2, 2017.
  • Modi C., Kumari P., Sharma, V. K., Torsional surface wave propagation in viscoelastic isotropic layer sandwiched between inhomogeneous half spaces, AIP Conference Proceedings 1802 (1), 020010, 1, 2017.
  • Kumari P.,Sharma V.K., Dynamics of seismic waves in highly anisotropic triclinic media with intermediate monoclinic layer, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 71, 375-393, 2019. (SCIE)
  • Kumari P., Modi C., Sharma V.K., Dynamic response of normal moving load on a transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-space with parabolic irregularity, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 28, pp. 601-623, 2018. (SCI)
  • Kumari P., Modi C., Sharma V.K., Torsional waves in a magneto-viscoelastic layer over an inhomogeneous substratum, European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 131, pp. 1-11, 2016. (SCI)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Modi C., Modeling of magnetoelastic shear waves due to point source in a viscoelastic crustal layer over an inhomogeneous viscoelastic half space, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 26(2), pp. 101-120, 2016.(SCI)
  • Modi C., Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Reflection/refraction of qP/qSV wave in layered self- reinforced media, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 40, pp. 8737-8749, 2016.(SCIE)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Modi C., Torsional wave in a viscoelastic layer over a viscoelastic substratum of Voigt types, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 20, pp. 1278-1294, 2016.(SCIE)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V. K. and Modi C., Reflection/refraction pattern of quasi-(P/SV) waves in dissimilar monoclinic media separated with finite isotropic layer, Journal of Vibration and Control , Vol. 22(11), pp. 2745–2758, 2016. (SCIE)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Kumari P., Sharma V. K., Reflection and refraction at the interface between distinct generally anisotropic half spaces for three-dimensional plane quasi P waves, Journal of Vibration and Control (SAGE), Vol. 21(3), pp. 493–508, 2015. (SCIE)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Modi C., Propagation of torsional waves in an inhomogeneous sandwiched layer between inhomogeneous semi-infinite media, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 90, pp.1-11, 2015. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact Factor-1.069)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V. K. and Modi C., Reflection/refraction pattern of quasi-(P/SV) waves in dissimilar monoclinic media separated with finite isotropic layer, Published online in Journal of Vibration and Control (SAGE), 2014. DOI: 10.1177/1077546314548911. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact Factor-4.355)
  • Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Propagation of torsional waves in a viscoelastic layer over an inhomogeneous half space, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 225, pp. 1673-1684, 2014. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact Factor-1.268)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Kumari P., Sharma V.K., Reflection and transmission of three dimensional qP wave through layered fluid medium between two distinct triclinic half-spaces, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 14, pp.182-190, 2014. (Indexed in Scopus)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Kumari P., Sharma V. K., Reflection and refraction at the interface between distinct generally anisotropic half spaces for three-dimensional plane quasi P waves, Journal of Vibration and Control (SAGE), Vol. 21, pp. 493-508, 2015. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact Factor-4.355)
  • Chattopadhyay, A., Gupta, S., Kumari Pato, and Sharma, V. K., Torsional wave propagation in non homogeneous layer between non homogeneous half spaces, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 37,1280-1291, 2013. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 1.561)
  • Chattopadhyay  A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Stresses produced on a rough irregular half-space by a moving load, Acta Mechanica, 221, 271-280, 2011. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 1.268)
  • Chattopadhyay  A., Gupta S., Kumari Pato, and Sharma V. K., Effect of point source and heterogeneity on the propagation of SH-waves in a viscoelastic layer over a viscoelastic half space, Acta Geophysica, 60(1), 119-139, 2011. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor 1.949)
  • Chattopadhyay, A., Kumari Pato, and Sharma V. K., Reflection and refraction of three dimensional plane quasi-P waves at a corrugated surface between distinct triclinic elastic half spaces, International Journal on Geomathematics, 2, 219-253, 2011. (Indexed in Scopus,Impact factor 1.365)
  • Chattopadhyay  A., Gupta S., Kumari Pato, Sharma V. K., Propagation of torsional waves in an inhomogeneous layer over an inhomogeneous half space, Meccanica, 46(4), 671-680, 2011. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 2.214)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Propagation of Shear waves in viscoelastic medium at irregular boundaries, Acta Geophysica, 58, 2, 195-214,  2010. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 0.910)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Kumari Pato, Sharma V. K., Effects of irregularity and  anisotropy on the propagation of shear waves, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2(1), 116-126, 2010.
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Propagation of G type  seismic waves in viscoelastic medium, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,6(9), 63 - 75, 2010.
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Kumari Pato, Sharma V. K., Effect of point source and heterogeneity on the propagation of SH-waves, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,6(9), 76 - 89, 2010.
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Reflection and refraction of    plane Quasi-P waves at a corrugated interface between distinct triclinic elastic half spaces, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46, 3241-3256, 2009. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 1.871)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Kumari Pato, Sharma V. K., Dispersion of G type seismic waves in low velocity layer, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,4(3), 467-479, 2009.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Propagation of Shear waves in an irregular monoclinic crustal layer, Archive of Applied Mechanics,78(12), 989-999, 2008. (Indexed in Scopus, Impact factor: 1.114)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Gupta S., Sharma V. K., Kumari Pato, Propagation of shear  waves in an irregular boundary of an anisotropic medium, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 3(4), 461–472, 2008.(Indexed in Scopus)
  • Chattopadhyay A., Venkateswarlu R. L. K., Kumari Pato, Shear Waves due to a point source in Fibre-Reinforced medium, International Journal of Theoretical  and Applied Mechanics, 2(1), 39-50, 2007.
  • Gupta S., Chattopadhyay A., Kumari Pato, Propagation of shear wave in anisotropic medium, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, 1(55), 2699–2706, 2007. (Indexed in Scopus)

Papers presented in International Conference

  1. “Propagation of shear waves in a monoclinic layer over a semi-infinite elastic medium” presented in the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences for Advancement of Science and Technology (MSAST 2008) during December 22-23, 2008 in Kolkata.
  2. “Torsional wave propagation in a heterogeneous layer over a homogenous half space” presented in IMST- 2009, Waknaghat (Himachal Pradesh).
  3. “Propagation of G type seismic waves in a homogeneous isotropic layer over a non homogeneous isotropic half space” presented in RAG-2011 in ISM Dhanbad.
  4. “Effect of point source and inhomogeneity on SH wave propagation in a viscoelastic media” presented in 55th Congress of ISTAM (An International Meet) 2010, NIT Hamirpur, H.P.
  5. “Applications of Bessel, Whittaker and Heun functions in Torsional wave propagation”, presented in International conference on Special functions and their applications in science and engineering, December 8-10, 2011 in RJIT, Tekanpur, Gwalior.
  6. “Effect of rigidity and density variation on propagation of torsional wave”, presented in 2nd International Science Congress, 8-9th Dec, 2012, held at Vrindavan (Mathura).
  7. “Modeling of Torsional wave in an isotropic layer over a homogeneous viscoelastic infinite substratum”, presented in International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation, organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics, Babasaheb Bhimrao University, Lucknow, India during July 01-03, 2013.

Papers presented in National Seminar

  • Paper titled “Propagation of shear wave in an initially stressed medium” presented in “National seminar on recent advances on Theoretical and Applied Seismology” in 2007 held in ISM Dhanbad.
  • Paper titled “Propagation of shear waves due to a point source in homogeneous medium overlying a heterogeneous medium” presented in “XXIII annual conference of mathematical society” in 2007 held in BHU, Varanasi.
  • Paper titled “3-D wave propagation in anisotropic media” presented in “Fourth National Conference on Applicable Mathematics in Wave Mechanics and  Vibrations (WMVC-2008)” in 2008 held in JECRC, Jaipur.
  • Paper titled “Response of an irregular half-space to a moving load” presented in “97th Indian Science Congress” 2010 held in Trivendrum.

Professional Projects / Professional Achievements

  • President Award in 1997 from Bharat Scouts and Guides.
  • Life member of Indian Science Congress Association.
  • Life member of Von Karman Society for Advanced Study and Research in Mathematical and Social Sciences.
  • Reviewer of Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier.
  • Award for best paper in 2nd International Science Congress (ISC-2012) in Mathematical Science section.

Project Details

  • Project Title: Seismic Scattering Modelling in Anisotropic Layered Media (SEISMAL)
  • Project cost: Rs. 20,97, 335/-
  • Granting Agency: Armament Research Board (ARB), DRDO, India
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Duration: 03 years (2022-2025)


Books Edited

  • Chamola B.P., Kumari P., Kaur L., Emerging Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, Nova Science Publisher, USA, DOI:, 2022.
  • Chamola B.P., Kumari P., Advancements in Mathematics and its Emerging Areas, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2214 (1), 010001, 2020.
  • Chamola B.P.,Kumari P., Emerging Trends in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2061 (1), 010001, 2019.
  • Chamola B.P., Kumari P., 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1897 (1), 010001, 2017.
  • Chamola B.P., Kumari P., Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1802 (1), 010001, 2017.