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Course Outline

B.Tech Biotechnology Outline Syllabi (Up to 2013 Batch) 4 Year B.Tech/ 2 Year M.Tech/5 Year Integrated M.Tech- Core Courses

(Note: Courses with Code..B..BT… applicable only to batches admitted upto 2013)

10B11BT311 Thermodynamics and Chemical processes (4 Credits)

Laws of thermodynamics and their applications to steady /unsteady processes in closed /open systems; Concept of entropy and enthalpy, applications to compression and expansion processes; Solution thermodynamics, Gibb’s free energy, chemical reaction equilibrium constant, Phase equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, fugacity as criterion of equilibrium, vapour-liquid equilibrium; Thermodynamics of biomolecules; Chemical Processes – Material and Energy balance in non- reacting and reacting systems. . Fluid flow of mixing, classification of fluids, fluids in motion, Viscosity, momentum transfer, Non- Newtonian fluids, Mechanism of heat transfer, conduction. Heat transfer between fluids and the relevant equipments, Equations for heat transfer systems and their applications.

10B11BT312 Biochemistry (4 Credits)

Cell structure and function, Membrane structure and dynamics, Structure and properties of biomolecules, Enzymes: Basic concept, mechanism of action, kinetics and regulation, Metabolism: basic concept and design, Metabolic Energy: generation, storage and regulation strategies, Metabolism & regulation of: carbohydrate, fatty acid, amino acid & nucleic acid, Metabolic disorders.

10B11BT313 Microbiology (4 Credits)

History and scope of microbiology; Broad classification and taxonomy of microorganisms; Growth and physiology; Methods of microbial enumeration; Microbial control; Microbial metabolism, photosynthesis, fermentation, anaerobic respiration; Pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, etc), host-pathogen interactions; Microbial genetics; Extremophiles; Microbes in industry.

10B11BT411 Genetics (4 Credits)

Variation among organisms, Genes and Environment, Genotype and Phenotype, DNA-the hereditary material, Cell division, Mendelism & beyond Mendelism, Chromosomes and Chromosome theory of inheritance, Linkage, crossing over and mapping, Extra Chromosomal Inheritance, sex determination and sex chromosomes, Mutations and their role in Evolution, Population Genetics, Genetic Disorders.

10B11BT412 Cell CultureTechnology (4 Credits)

Cell culture materials and tools, growth conditions and other requirements for establishment and maintenance of plant and animal cells, cell lines and tissues;in vitro conservation, protoplast, triploid & haploid culture, micropropagation; Animal cell cultivation: primary culture, growth kinetics, biology and characterization of cultured cells, Large scale production of biologicals in plant and animal cells.

10B11BT413 Molecular Biology (4 Credits)

Central dogma of molecular biology, nucleic acid structure: DNA and RNA, genetic code, DNA replication, Gene structure in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Coding and Non coding DNA & RNA; molecular biology of transcription and translation; gene regulation, molecular mechanisms of recombination, transposons and rearrangement of DNA, DNA damage and repair, Post transcriptional and post-translational modification, Phage structure and biology.

10B11GE411 Environmental Studies (3 Credits)

Multidisciplinary nature of environment, Biodiversity, Natural resources, Energy consumption & Conservation; Significance of equitable sharing of resources, Role of Global Conventions, Environmental Laws &Regulations; Risks of Pollution, Hazards due to mismanagement of wastes including Electronic wastes, Radioactive materials; Importance of Urban planning, Environmental Impact assessment, Disaster management and Contingency Planning; Use of modern technologies such as Satellite Imaging and Remote sensing; Sustainability & Planned reversal of human destruction to environment, eco-consumerism, green technologies; Case studies in all above topics; Field Work on environmental aspects.

10B11BT511 Introduction to Bioinformatics (4 Credits)

Scope of Bioinformatics and computational biology; Biological databases and various file formats; Sequence retrieval and submission. Homology search, sequence alignment and analysis using bio-algorithms such as dynamic programming. Gene and promoter prediction, challenges, strategies and tools evaluation. Phylogenetic analysis and tree evaluation. Sequenceand structure analysisof RNA and Protein molecule. Applications of bioinformatics in drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, systems biology and next generation sequencing etc.

10B11BT512 Process Engineering (4 Credits)

Microbial process development: Introduction to Upstream and Downstream processes, batch, Fed Batch and Continuous culture, Cell growth kinetics, enzyme kinetics; Bioreactor systems including utilities: Types of bioreactor and their applications, cardinal rules of bioreactor design, utilities of bioreactors; Fluid flow and mixing – Rheological properties – Newtonian and Non-Netonian fluids, Flow behavior, mixing, power consumption and shear properties of rushton turbine, helical, anchor, bubble column, external loop, airlift etc; Heat transfer – different modes of heat transfer, Mass transfer in microbial processes: Mass transfer correlation for air solubility; Sterilization : Thermal death of micro-organisms, Batch and continuous sterilization of media, Design of sterilization equipment; Bioreactor analysis – Ideal and non-ideal reactor: immobilized enzyme and cell reactors, multiphase bioreactors, Operational measurements and control in fermentation: Bioreactor sensor characteristics; Case studies related applications in various biotech and biopharma industries

10B11BT513 Genetic Engineering (4 Credits)

Concepts in Genetic Engineering, Enzymes in Genetic Engineering, Cloning Vehicles, BAC / YAC vectors, Construction & screening of genomic libraries, gene cloning strategies, DNA sequencing & mutagenesis, Cloning & expression of transgenes in Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic systems, PCR technologies, gene transfer in plant and animals, molecular markers, Applications and impact of rDNA technology, Ethical issues and biosafety regulation.

10B11BT514 Immunology (4 Credits)

Basic immunology, Types of immunity, B-cells and T-cells, Antibody: structure, function and diversity, T-cell receptors, Cellular and molecular aspects of antigens, Antigen-antibody Reaction, Regulation of Immune response and immunological tolerance, Immune effector mechanisms: Complement system and Cytokines, Autoimmunity and Autoimmune disease, Hyper-Sensitivity,Tissue and organ transplantation, MHC and HLA, Hybridoma technology, Immunity against infectious diseases, Vaccines, Immunodeficiency diseases

10B11BT611 Comparative and Functional Genomics (4 Credits)

Genes and Genomes, high throughput genome sequencing, model genomes, genome annotation, Phylogenomics, Haplotyping, SNP technologies, proteomics, protein evolution, pharmacogenomics, gene expression profiling, global gene cloning & expression platforms and technologies, microarrays (DNA, RNA, proteins), gene-knock out & silencing technologies, protein-protein interactions, MALDI-TOF MS, LC-MS MS, high throughput identification of biomarkers.

10B11BT612 Food and Agricultural Biotechnology (4 Credits)

Food chemistry, microbiology of fermented food products, food spoilage and food borne diseases, Food processing and preservation, Current status of Indian processed food industry, Use of enzymes in food industry, nutraceuticals and functional foods, Single Cell Proteins, Probiotics, Biotechnological approaches in production of therapeutics & industrial products in animals and plants, Production of value added products (biofuel, bioplastics, etc) from agricultural waste, traditional crop improvement vs. biotechnological interventions.

10B11BT613 Cell and Developmental Biology (4 Credits)

Biology of cell organelles and cytoskeleton, Membrane transport, Programmed cell death and senescence, Principles of developmental biology, Morphogenesis and organogenesis in animals and plants: Cell aggregation and differentiation inDictyostelium discoideum , Early patterning and axis specification in Drosophila, amphibia and chick, Organization of shoot and root apical meristem; shoot and root development; leaf development and phyllotaxy,in A. thaliana , Vertebrate limb & organ development.

10B11BT614 Fermentation Technology and Downstream Processing (4 Credits)

Introduction to fermentation processes, Isolation, preservation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms, Media optimization, Bioprocess Considerations for animal & plant cell cultures, Downstream Processing : Filtration, centrifugation, Separation of insoluble products – Cell disruption : Physical methods, Chemical methods, Separation of soluble products- liquid-liquid extraction: solvent recovery, two phase aqueous extraction, Chromatography, Process design of Industrial Bio-products : Anaerobic bioprocesses – Ethanol and lactic acid production, Aerobic bioprocesses – Citric acid and penicillin production.

14M11BT111 Biomolecules and cell communication (3 Credits)

Signal molecules, G-protein linked signaling pathways, Signaling mediated by enzyme linked cell surface receptor, Signaling mediated by enzyme linked cell surface receptor, Nuclear receptor based signaling, Bacterial Chemotaxis, Cell cycle regulation and cell death,Malfunction of Signaling Pathways and Tumorigenesis.

14M11BT112 Environmental Biotechnology (3 Credits )

Global environmental issues and solutions from Biotechnology, different aspects of soil, water pollution and land degradation, applying various biotechnological methods to restore degraded and marginal soils, Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Biofertilizers and bioinoculants, Management of waste and Industrial refuse, Renewable Bioenergy, Biofuels, Biomass applications, Metagenomics and functional diversity of microbes, Environmental regulations for industry, EPA, ISO standards for environmental management.

14M11BT113 Molecular Modeling and Drug design(3 Credits)

Introduction to Molecular Modeling , Quantum Mechanics and Force Fields, Energy Minimization and computer simulations, Molecular Dynamics and simulations and Web Based Resources, Databases and tools such as GROMACS, AMBER, & CHARMM. Gromacs Structure Prediction and computational tools ROSETTA, protein folding at home. Drug designing and softwares , Autodock, Molegro and drugbank, pubchem databases

14M11BT114 Research Methodology and Data Validation (3 Credits)

The course covers where do I begin? What is research? What makes a scientific research, Evidence-based practice-Why should we be interested in research? Research, the law and you, data, types of investigations/research study/approaches- explanatory and pragmatic, Qualitative vs Quantitative, Advantages vs. Limitations, Outcome research studies, How to learn about research methods, Critical reading of research, Generating research questions, Planning a research study: literature review, research study phases-planning, measuring technique, performance , documentation, unit of analysis, and reporting your research, experimental design, significance of study design in research for subsequent quality, the reliability of the conclusion, and the ability to publish a study, Basic Statistical Concepts,-what to do with the raw data, Hypothesis testing, parametric and non-parametric data, Interpreting statistics.

14M11BT211 Bioprocess and Industrial Biotechnology(3 credits)

Basic kinetic models of cell growth kinetics, media and air sterilization, Cell death kinetics, metabolic quotient, O2 transfer and uptake, mass transfer and heat transfer, liquid rheology, Batch / fed batch and continuous cultivation, yield and productivity, Types of bioreactor, Ideal and non-ldeal reactors, Optimization of bioprocess operation (OVAT and statistical design), Operative measurement and control of fermentation, Bioreactor scale-up criteria, Cell growth kinetics of bacteria and fungi in non-ideal reactors: submerged and Solid state fermentation, types of reactor for solid state fermentation, recombinant bacterial cell stability and growth kinetics, Animal cell fermentation (Animal cell metabolism: basic understanding of substrate and byproduct stoichiometry, Growth characteristics and kinetics, micro-carrier attached growth kinetics, biomaterial properties for anchorage dependent cell lines, cell culture in perfusion and hollow fiber reactor, 2D and 3D cell culturing, bioreactor design considerations), plant cell fermentation (Importance of plant cell cultivation, Plant cell / hairy root cultivation, callus and shoot propagation, kinetics of cell growth and product formation, plant cell / hairy root reactors – types of rectors, comparison of reactor performance, immobilized plant cell reactors), Algal derived metabolites, methods of studying growth kinetics of chemotropic and phototropic algae, types of bioreactors: lab scale and large scale photo-bioreactor / pond reactors, Isolation, preservation and propagation of microbial cultures, Process technology for production of Organic acids, Amino acids, alcohols, antibiotics, Vitamins, nucleotides, steroids & flavours, Production of enzymes: protease, cellulose, amylase, lipase; Enzyme inhibitors: inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis; biopesticides; biofertilizers; biopreservatives; biopolymers; single cell proteins; monoclonal antibodies; phytochemicals of commercial / therapeutic importance : flavanoids, saponins.

14M11BT212 Diagnostics and Therapeutics (3 Credits)

Introduction to diagnostics, molecular diagnostic methods, Immunodiagnostics, Cancer diagnostics, Next Generation sequencing, Engineering of therapeuticals, Manipulating Host systems, Therapeutic applications, Nucleic acid therapeutics, Regulatory oversight

4 Year B.Tech/ 2 Year M.Tech/5 Year Integrated M.Tech- Elective Courses

10B1NBT731 Biocomputing and Applications (3 Credits)

A interdisciplinary course covers biological problems, Mapping and computational methods, complexities , Genomics tools and methods, Entropy , information content, Sequence analysis plate forms, Computational Proteomics ; tools and methods, MALDI-TOF data analysis Transcriptomics tools and methods, Transcriptome profiling, Next generation sequencing, RNA-seq data analysis, Peptide designing Protein ligand interactions and simulations tools (Autodock and Gromacs) and case studies.

10B1NBT732 Clinical Trials and Database Management Systems (3 Credits)

An interdisciplinary course combining various aspects of clinical research, regulatory affairs such as GCP/ICH guidelines, biostatistics and database management system. This course focuses on challenges faced by clinical research industry and supplemented by case studies, seminar, field visits & field trial along with hands on workshop on SAS for data analysis.

10B1NBT733 Stem cells and Health Care (3 Credits)

Introduction to Stem cell biology, a promising field in Health Sciences: Unique properties, Plasticity and Potency; Stem cell Research: History, Human Embryonic stem cells(hESCs) and Adult stem cells (Haematopoietic, Mesenchymal, Cord blood, Neural stem cells etc.), Potency & Plasticity, Isolation & culture methods, Characterization, Stem cells Niche, Induced pluripotent stem cells(ipsc), Model systems in Stem cell Research, Cancer vs. Stem cells, Stem Cell Banking, Therapeutic Application: Techniques and opportunity in Regenerative Medicine, Genetic manipulation of hESCs; Stem cell research : Indian and Global scenario, Case studies, Ethical and Legal issues: ICMR-DBT Guidelines in conducting human stem cell research.

10B1NBT735 Enzymes in Food Processing (3 Credits)

Principles of enzyme assay and kinetic studies, enzyme units, Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes– amylases, cellulase, Hemicellulases, Isomerase, Pectin degradation Fat hydrolyzing enzymes Lipases, Phospholipases Application in Beverage, Juice and Wine making Industry, Enzymes in Dairy Industry, cheese making and ripening aroma and flavor production, cold sterilization, Enzymes in product modification. Debittering, Hydrolysis of Soy protein, fish protein, Milk protein, collagen, Blood protein Tailoring enzyme structure and function Alteration of technical properties, Increasing yields, Raw matter utilization, Improving preservation, flavors.

11B1NBT731 Molecular Diagnostics (3Credits)

Introduction to Molecular diagnostics and its significance in post genomic era in health care industry; Gene and signal amplification techniques for diagnostics, Molecular Diagnosis of pathogen (bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan) mediated diseases, Immune disorders, Cancer, and their role in Cancer Management & Cancer Susceptibility; Molecular tools in Genetic counselling, Presymptomatic, Prenatal Testing, and Newborn Screening; Applications in Health care & Forensics: Hemoglobinopathies, Plasmapheresis, and Blood Banking, forensic Medicine & Quarantine; Concerns in Molecular diagnostics and Genetic testing, Regulatory & Ethical issues.

14B1NBT731 Epigenetics (3 Credits)

Introduction to epigenetics; Its history overview and concepts; DNA methylation and mammalian genome; early life environment and epigenetics; methyl transferase and methyl-CpG binding proteins; regulation of methylation; chromatin remodeling; genomic imprinting, histone modification; methods to study the methylation levels and its pattern; epigenetic changes in different diseases, applications of epigenetic studies.

10B1NBT831 Cancer Biology (3 Credits)

Cell cycle and regulatory programmes, Cell proliferation and malignancy, Oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes and viral carcinogenesis, Function of cytokine / interleukin and signal transduction, Hypoxia in cancer, Diagnosis, screening and treatment in cancer.

10B1NBT833 Intellectual property Rights and Bioethics(3 Credits)

Different forms of Intellectual Property Rights, their Relevance to Biotechnology Industry & Academia; Overview of International conventions & Trade agreements: WTO, TRIPS, WIPO, Implication for developing countries; Process involved in Patenting, Patent Search; IPR in Agriculture, Farmer’s Rights, UPOV & Traditional Knowledge; Need of bioethics, Bioethics & GMO’s: Issues of Genetically modified foods; Bioethics in Medicine gene therapy, Organ transplantation, ethics in patient care; Bioethics & Cloning: Human cloning, Stem cell research, Use of animals in research, human volunteers for Clinical trials; Ethics in Profession

10B1NBT834 Pharmacogenomics (3 Credits)

Builds up conceptual knowledge of how an individual’s genetic inheritance affects the body’s response to drugs. This integrates disciplines of pharmacology, genomics, and next generation sequencing technologies, analysis of data, computational resources, databases and tools. The courses also discuss evolution of pharmacogenomics in context to various medical systems practiced across the world. It also takes into account various organizations and companies offering diagnostic services which have sprung up across the world utilizing the principles of pharmacogenomics.

10B1NBT835 Machine Learning Tools in Bioinformatics(3 Credits)

Interdisciplinary course covers the overview of machine learning methods and scope in Bioinformatics, Pattern Identification, Motif and profile detection, String search, Data classification: feature selection, Discrimination analysis, Clustering and tree algorithm, statistical inferences and biological interpretation, Gene ontology and microarray data, Fundamental of Artificial neural Network and Hidden Markov Model, Support vectors Machine methods, applications in protein structure and function prediction, data mining in drug discovery, validations , performance evaluation and tools and case studies.

15B1NBT831 Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics(3 Credits)

Introduction to BioPharmaceutics. Drug concentration and Pharmacological responses. Effect of route of administration on Absorption of drugs, Distribution, Biotransformation and excretion of drugs. Plasma Protein bindingTherapeutic Efficacy. In vitro dissolution testing methods. In vitro-in vivo correlation. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence. Prodrugs. Zero order and First order kinetics, One, two and multi-compartment pharmacokinetic models. Non-linear Pharmacokinetics. Controlled and modified drug release. Drug interactions. Design of Dosing regimens.

15B1NBT832 Biostatistics and its applications (3 credits)

Introduction to Biostatistics, collection and displaying data; measuring sampling error Descriptive statistics; Introduction to hypothesis testing; Testing the differences, Tests of statistical significance, t- test, z-test, F-test, U-test etc; Analysis of variance, parametric and non-parametric analysis; Tests for association (Chi-square test, correlation, regression); How big is a sample: power analysis; variance analysis: ANOVA; class interval analysis; Mann-Whitney test; Goodness of fit test, Computational tools for Biostatistical analysis (SPSS etc);Application of Biostatistical analysis in various fields such as genetics, Pharmacy, Medical biotechnology, Agriculture and microbiology. Analyzing data from various systematic reviews.

14M1NBT132 Information technology for Biologists (3 Credits)

This course bridges gap between biologist and computer sciences by discussing essential of computing and concepts of information technology relevant to biologist. This course initiates the student towards problem solving in biology through data structure and programming. This is complemented with discussions of case studies and research papers focusing on high-performance computing in bioinformatics and applications of IT in large scale biological projects such as International Consortium of Cancer genome and next generation sequencing pipelines.

14M1NBT131 Animal and Plant Biotechnology , (3 Credits)

Plant Biotechnology: overview and micropropagation techniques, development of transgenic plant and applications. Animal cell culture types, maintenance, and kinetics of growth, genetics and applications. Stem cells – principles for identification, purifications, assessment of proliferation heterogeneity, long-term maintenance and characterization, development of transgenic animals, Large scale production of biologicals in plant and animal cells.

14M1NBT133 Enzyme Technology (3 Credits)

Fundamentals of Enzymology, Enzyme purification, Kinetics, Mechanism of action, Sources of industrial enzymes: (natural & recombinant), enzymes in the cell and in organized systems, Enzyme immobilization, Enzymes as commercial products used plant fiber based industry, Waste remediation, Animal nutrition, Food production, Therapy targets and Pharmaceuticals Metabolic Flux analysis and Metabolic control analysis, Case studies

14M1NBT231 Bioseparation Technology (3 Credits)

Bioseparation: Overview, Removal of Insoluble (cell mass, cell debris, insoluble by-products / metabolites), Isolation of bioproducts, Product Purification, Product Polishing, Process design for purification of biomolecules, Ancillary operations (Solvent recovery, waste disposal, biosafety).

14M1NBT234 Vaccine Biotechnology (3 Credits)

History and Introduction to vaccines, Organization of Immune System, Epitope identification, Pathogenesis and immune responses, Types of Vaccines, Vaccine Production, Passive Immunisation, Antibody Engineering, Human Antibodies, Vaccines in market and laboratories, Vaccine and Society

14M1NBT236 Structural Biology (3 credits)

Biological macromolecules, Macromolecular structure determination, Macromolecular structure principles and Bioinformatics, Bimolecular recognition, Macromolecular structure-function relationship, Structure based drug-designing,

15B1NBT835 , MolecularEvolutionary, Biology (3 Credits)

Introduction; Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism; Old and New Concepts in Evo Devo, Species and Speciation, Molecules of life(DNA,RNA and Protein), Phenotypic and Genotypic variation, Molecular basis of Genetic Variation, Micro and Macroevolution, Evolution of Biodiversity, Evolution, ecology and Behavioural changes and adaptation, , Co-evolution; Intra- and Inter-specific competition; Resource partitioning; Mutualism, Introduction to Systematics; Characters, Character States, and Polarity, Systematics and Biological Characteristics, Diversity of Systematic Data and Uses , Phylogenetic analysis, Tree building methods (distance based, character based) and biological inferences, models, tree validation methods, Human Evolution, Evolutionary Medicine

15B1NBT834 , Aquaculture , (3 Credits)

Scope and significance of aquaculture, comparison of aquaculture with agriculture and commercial fisheries. Different aquaculture systems. Aquaculture – Global and Indian Scenario. Ecology of culture ponds. Fertilizations and manuring. Liming and application of fertilizers and manures. Nutrient dynamics, algal blooms. Management of water and soil quality parameters. Criteria for the selection of species, Cultivable freshwater fishes- carps, airbreathing fishes, tilapia, trout, freshwater prawn, frogs. Brackishwater resources and fishes of commercial importance – Milk fish, mullet, pearl spot, seabass, shrimps, crabs; selection of site. Major brackish water culture systems in India, prawn filtration, Basabhanda, kharlands – Different organisms in Mariculture – mussel, edible oyster, pearl oyster and sea weeds. Cultivable species of freshwater prawns and their biology. Sewage fed fish culture, sewage treatment,– Sewage cum fish culture in India. Fish in relation to public health. Integrated farming – Rice cum fish culture, Duck cum fish culture, Poultry cum fish culture and Pig cum fish culture. Organic aquafarming. Fish culture in cages and pens. Running water fish culture. Marketing and economics of fish seed and fish. Cultivation of different aquatic plants.

15B1NBT833, Plant Diseases & Biotechnology (3 Credits)

An Introduction about Global Agriculture productivity and how disease impact crop yield; Use of chemical pesticides, insecticides and their ill effects; Plant physiology, Genetic basis of Plant genes, plant signalling pathways (systemic acquired resitance); Principle groups of plant pathogens and diseases caused, Molecular basis of genetic modification and crop improvement; RNAi technology in plant disease control; developing genetically modified plants with improved disease resistance; Biocontrol methods applying antimicrobial proteins, Plantibodies, PGPR and their role in disease control

14M1NBT232, System Biology and Neural network (3 Credits)

Graph theory, Gene Networks, Network Construction methods, Protein Interaction Networks, Databases and tools such as cytoscape, Network Analysis. Introduction to complex systems, phase space, lyapunov exponent, differential equations, Introduction Michaelis-Menten Kinetics. Equilibrium Binding, Cooperativity, Deterministic Modeling. Lambda Phage Multistability, Genetic Switches, Genetic Oscillators, Stochastic Chemical Kinetics, Models for Eukaryotic Gradient sensing and Cytoskeleton dynamics, Developmental Applications. Tools and databasesMachine Learning Systems: Supervised and Unsupervised clustering methods, learning theory and artificial intelligence, methods such as Artificial neural networks, PCA and kernel based systems. Case studies & mini project

14M1NBT233, Nanobiotechnology (3 Credits)

Introduction to Nanotechnology, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, Application of nanotechnology in biotechnology/medicine- Screening methods in biology (Bio-Chips , Lab-on-a-chip); Nanotechnologically modified biomaterials – surface engineering, tissue engineering, Nanotechnological tools to improve biomaterials; Nanoparticles as therapeutic drug carriers and diagnostics (Drug, oligonucleotide, imaging agents); Nanodevices in medicine, pharmacy and biology; Environmental and health hazards of nanotechnology.

14M1NBT235 Nutraceuticals(3 Credits)

Historical perspective, Classification, scope & future prospects. Bioactive Carbohydrates Bioactive Lipids, Bioactive Peptides, Polyphenols, Nutraceuticals of plant origin, Nutraceuticals of animal origin, Microbial and algal nutraceuticals, Nutraceuticlas and diseases, Product development and clinical trials, Nutraceutical Industry and Market information.

14M1NBT237 Metagenomics (3 Credits)

Molecular Diversity and Metagenomics: Concept of e-DNA (environmental DNA), and introduction to Metagenomics, Diversity of Microbes in different environments; Conventional methods to study diversity, Understanding the ecosystem level functions of Microbial Communities; Human microbiome projects by NIH, India and EU; Significance of Bioinformatics in understanding and analysis of Genomic Data, Databases and Software available for analysis of Metagenomic Data; Metagenomics & Bioprospecting, Applications in Medicine, Cancer metagenome; applications in Environmental Biotechnology, Acid Mine Drainage project, Sargasso Sea Metagenomic Metagenomics & Applications in Agriculture, The Soil Resistome project. \

14M1NBT238Microbial Technology(3 Credits)

Principles of Microbial Biotechnology and industrially important microbes; Food & Microbial biotechnology; Microbes in Medical biotechnology; Microbes and Environmental Biotechnology; Microbes and clean energy production; Regulatory and ethical issues involved in all of the above.

14M1NBT331 Regulatory affairs (Biologicals/GMOs/Environmental policy regulation, (3 Credits)

Introduction to Regulatory agencies-USFDA, EMEA, CDSCO, TGA. Drug safety and efficacy, pre-clinical and clinical stuides. Dossier requirements and market approval pathways for new drugs /biopharmaceuticals/biologics in USA, Europe, Japan and India. Orphan drug laws. Patent expiry and entry of Generics, Para IV filings and Biosimilars, Non patent exclusivities. ICH guidelines -harmonization in filing the dossiers for market approval. Good Clinical Practices. Good Manufacturing practices, Quality by Design-regulatory aspects, Process Analytical Technology, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS). Regulatory aspects governing generation, working with and release of genetically modified organisms; environmental policy regulation, role of EPA, compliance and enforcement for public and regulated entities.

10M1NBT332 Drug Delivery (3 Credits)

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic concepts. Drug delivery technologies through oral, nasal, pulmonary, transdermal and parentral routes of administration. Blood brain barrier and permeation of drugs. Nanotechnology- formulation and its role in therapeutics. Active and Passive Drug targeting. Patenting in drug delivery technologies. R&D in delivery of biopharmaceuticals and biologics through non invasive routes.

14M1NBT333 Genomics & Society (3 Credits)

Introduction to Genomics, Components of nuclear genome, Repeats, Insertional sequences, Markers, Extrachromosomal genome; Principles and technologies in Genome mapping, Genetic mapping, Physical mapping, Cytological mapping; Genome sequencing methods, Next generation sequencing, Genome Annotation, Genomic databases, Gene therapy, Pharmacogenomics, Predictive and personalized medicine, Nutrigenomics, Behavioral genomics; Forensic genomics, Functional and Computational genomics, Advantages and disadvantages of Genomics.

14M1NBT334 Product development in Biotechnology(3 Credits)

Production of commercially important primary and secondary metabolites like organic acids, amino acids,Antibiotics, Vitamins and Steroids, Industrial Enzymes, Biopesticides, Biofertilizers, Biopreservatives, Biopolymers, Biodiesel, Recombinant proteins having therapeutic and diagnostic applications, Modified and Artificial Enzymes , Catalytic antibodies, Bioprocess strategies in Plant Cell and Animal Cell culture,Regulatory compliance, Analytical product testing , Biomanufacturing and Biobusiness issues.

14M1NBT335 Experimental models in Research(3 Credits)

Need of Animal Models in facilitating Education and Research, Basis of Selection; Satisfying Research need, Laboratory maintenance; Cost, number of offspring and reproduction time, space required etc., Utility of Model system in research: Agriculture and Biomedical Sciences, Transgenic animals as models, Emerging models in research, Model Organism Sharing Policy, NIH Policy on sharing of Model Organisms for biomedical research, Distribution sources and husbandry information: Animal care, regulations and policies, Institutional Animal Ethics Committee(IAEC), personnel training program.

B. Tech. (Batch 2014 & Batch 2015 onwards) 4 Year B.Tech Courses (Core)

10B11BT312 Biochemistry (4 Credits)

Cell structure and function, Membrane structure and dynamics, Structure and properties of biomolecules, Enzymes: Basic concept, mechanism of action, kinetics and regulation, Metabolism: basic concept and design, Metabolic Energy: generation, storage and regulation strategies, Metabolism & regulation of: carbohydrate, fatty acid, amino acid & nucleic acid, Metabolic disorders.

15B11BT211 Biochemistry ( 4 Credits)

Cell structure and function, Membrane structure and dynamics, Structure and properties of biomolecules, Enzymes: Basic concept, mechanism of action, kinetics and regulation, Metabolism: basic concept and design, Metabolic Energy: generation, storage and regulation strategies, Metabolism & regulation of: carbohydrate, fatty acid, amino acid & nucleic acid, Metabolic disorders.

15B11BT311 Thermodynamics and Chemical processes (4 Credits)

Laws of thermodynamics and their applications to steady /unsteady processes in closed /open systems; Concept of entropy and enthalpy, applications to compression and expansion processes; Solution thermodynamics, Gibb’s free energy, chemical reaction equilibrium constant, Phase equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, fugacity as criterion of equilibrium, vapour-liquid equilibrium; Thermodynamics of biomolecules; Chemical Processes – Material and Energy balance in non- reacting and reacting systems. . Fluid flow of mixing, classification of fluids, fluids in motion, Viscosity, momentum transfer, Non- Newtonian fluids, Mechanism of heat transfer, conduction. Heat transfer between fluids and the relevant equipments, Equations for heat transfer systems and their applications.

15B11BT312 Microbiology (4 Credits)

History and scope of microbiology; Broad classification and taxonomy of microorganisms; Growth and physiology; Methods of microbial enumeration; Microbial control; Microbial metabolism, photosynthesis, fermentation, anaerobic respiration; Pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, etc), host-pathogen interactions; Microbial genetics; Extremophiles; Microbes in industry.

15B11BT313 Genetics and Developmental Biology (4 Credits)

Review of cell structure and function, Chromosomes and abnormalities, Specialised Chromosomes, DNA – the hereditary material, Inheritance of characters/genes from parents to offspring, Genetic code, Genes and Environment, Genotype and Phenotype, Mendel’s laws of Inheritance, Beyond Mendelism: Genes, Alleles, Lethal and Multiple alleles, Gene-gene interaction, Pleiotropism, Penetrance and expressivity, The Chromosome Theory of Heredity , Extra-chromosomal inheritance, Linkage & Recombination Mutation and Recombination, their role in Evolution, Somatic vs. germinal Mutation, Gene Mutation, Fertilization, Cleavage, gastrulation, axis formation and fate map. Autonomous Specification, Conditional specification, Syncytial specification, Mosaic and regulative development, Patterning & axis specification in Drosophila & sea Urchin, Gastrulation in fish, birds, & Mus musculus, Development of tetrapod limb, heart.

15B11GE301 Environmental Science (3 Credits)

Multidisciplinary nature of environment, Biodiversity, Natural resources, Energy consumption & Conservation; Significance of equitable sharing of resources, Role of Global Conventions, Environmental Laws &Regulations; Risks of Pollution, Hazards due to mismanagement of wastes including Electronic wastes, Radioactive materials; Importance of Urban planning, Environmental Impact assessment, Disaster management and Contingency Planning; Use of modern technologies such as Satellite Imaging and Remote sensing; Sustainability & Planned reversal of human destruction to environment, eco-consumerism, green technologies; Case studies in all above topics; Field Work on environmental aspects.

15B11BT411 Introduction to Bioinformatics (4 Credits)

Scope of Bioinformatics and computational biology; Biological databases and various file formats; Sequence retrieval and submission. Annotation- Homology search, sequence alignment and analysis using bio-algorithms such as dynamic programming. Gene and promoter prediction, challenges, strategies and tools evaluation. Phylogenetic analysis and tree evaluation, Sequenceand structure analysisof RNA and Protein molecule. Applications of bioinformatics in drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, systems biology and next generation sequencing etc.

15B11BT412 Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering (4 Credits)

Structure of DNA; Central dogma of molecular biology – DNA replication and Repair, Transcription, Translation, Gene regulation – Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic; Phage strategies; Gene manipulation: DNA manipulative enzymes, Basic techniques of gene manipulation; Vector Biology; Gene Cloning strategies ; Genetic Manipulation Of Plants and Animals – Scope and application; Ethical and Biosafety Issues

15B11BT413 Bioprocess Engineering (4 Credits)

Microbial process development: Introduction to Upstream and Downstream processes, batch, Fed Batch and Continuous culture, Cell growth kinetics; Bioreactor systems including utilities: Types of bioreactor and their applications, cardinal rules of bioreactor design, utilities of bioreactors; Fluid flow and mixing – Rheological properties – Newtonian and Non-Netonian fluids, Flow behavior, mixing, power consumption and shear properties of rushton turbine, helical, anchor, bubble column, external loop, airlift etc; Heat transfer – different modes of heat transfer, Mass transfer in microbial processes: Mass transfer correlation for air solubility; Sterilization : Thermal death of micro-organisms, Batch and continuous sterilization of media, Design of sterilization equipment; Bioreactor analysis – Ideal and non-ideal reactor: immobilized enzyme and cell reactors, multiphase bioreactors, Operational measurements and control in fermentation: Bioreactor sensor characteristics; Case studies.

15B11BT414 Immunology (4 Credits)

Basic immunology, Types of immunity, B-cells and T-cells, Antibody: structure, function and diversity, T-cell receptors, Cellular and molecular aspects of antigens, Antigen-antibody Reaction, Regulation of Immune response and immunological tolerance, Immune effector mechanisms: Complement system and Cytokines, Autoimmunity and Autoimmune disease, Hyper-Sensitivity,Tissue and organ transplantation, MHC and HLA, Hybridoma technology, Immunity against infectious diseases, Vaccines, Immunodeficiency diseases, Introduction to immunodiagnostics.

15B11BT511 Cell Culture Technology (4 Credits)

Cell culture materials and tools, growth conditions and other requirements for establishment and maintenance of plant and animal cells, cell lines and tissues;in vitro conservation, protoplast, triploid & haploid culture, micropropagation; Animal cell cultivation: primary culture, growth kinetics, biology and characterization of cultured cells, Large scale production of biologicals in plant and animal cells.

15B11BT512 Fermentation and Down Stream Processing (4 Credits)

Introduction to fermentation processes, Isolation, preservation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms, Media optimization, Bioprocess Considerations for animal & plant cell cultures, Downstream Processing : Filtration, centrifugation, Separation of insoluble products – Cell disruption : Physical methods, Chemical methods, Separation of soluble products- liquid-liquid extraction: solvent recovery, two phase aqueous extraction, Chromatography, Process design of Industrial Bio-products : Anaerobic bioprocesses – Ethanol and lactic acid production, Aerobic bioprocesses – Citric acid and penicillin production.

15B11BT611, Comparative and Functional Genomics (4 Credits)

Genes and Genomes, high throughput genome sequencing, model genomes, genome annotation, Phylogenomics, Haplotyping, SNP technologies, proteomics, protein evolution, pharmacogenomics, gene expression profiling, global gene cloning and expression platforms and technologies, microarrays (DNA, RNA, proteins), gene-knock out and silencing technologies, protein-protein interactions, MALDI-TOF MS, LC-MS MS, high throughput identification of biomarkers.

4 Year B.Tech Courses (Elective)

Xxxxx, Cancer Biology , (4 Credits)

Cell cycle and regulatory programmes, Cell proliferation and malignancy, Oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes and viral carcinogenesis, Function of cytokine / interleukin and signal transduction, Hypoxia in cancer, Diagnosis, screening and treatment in cancer.

Xxxxx, Intellectual property Rights and Bioethics , (4 Credits)

Different forms of Intellectual Property Rights, their Relevance to Biotechnology Industry & Academia; Overview of International conventions & Trade agreements: WTO, TRIPS, WIPO, Implication for developing countries; Process involved in Patenting, Patent Search; IPR in Agriculture, Farmer’s Rights, UPOV & Traditional Knowledge; Need of bioethics, Bioethics & GMO’s: Issues of Genetically modified foods; Bioethics in Medicine gene therapy, Organ transplantation, ethics in patient care; Bioethics & Cloning: Human cloning, Stem cell research, Use of animals in research, human volunteers for Clinical trials; Ethics in Profession

xxxxx Molecular Ecology , (4 Credits),

Molecular genetics in ecology, Understanding molecular markers, modes of inheritance, co-dominant and dominant markers, Genetic analysis of single population, Genetic analysis of multiple population, Molecular markers in phylogeography, molecular clocks, distribution of genetic lineages, Molecular approaches to behavioral ecology, Applications of molecular ecology in wildlife forensics, agriculture and fishing.

Xxxxx Biocomputing and Applications (4Credits),

A interdisciplinary course covers biological problems, Mapping and computational methods, complexities , Genomics tools and methods, Entropy , information content, Sequence analysis plate forms, biological work bench for complex analysis, Computational Proteomics ;tools and methods, MALDI-TOF data analysis Transcriptomics tools and methods, Transcriptome profiling, Next generation sequencing, RNA-seq data analysis, Peptide designing Protein ligand interactions and simulations tools (Autodock and Gromacs) and case studies.

Xxxxx, Clinical Trials and database management , (4 Credits)

Clinical Trials and database management systems is an interdisciplinary course combining various aspects of clinical research, regulatory affairs such as GCP/ICH guidelines, biostatistics and database management system. This course focuses on challenges faced by clinical research industry and supplemented by case studies, seminar, field visits & field trial along with hands on workshop on SAS for data analysis.

Xxxxx, Stem Cells and Healthcare , (4 Credits),

Introduction to Stem cell biology, a promising field in Health Sciences: Unique properties, Stem cell Research: History, Human Embryonic stem cells(hESCs) and Adult stem cells (Haematopoietic, Mesenchymal, Cord blood, Neural stem cells etc.), Potency & Plasticity, Isolation & culture methods, Characterization, Stem cells Niche, Induced pluripotent stem cells(ipsc), Model systems in Stem cell Research, Cancer vs. Stem cells, Stem Cell Banking, Therapeutic Application: Techniques and opportunity in Regenerative Medicine, Genetic manipulation of hESCs; Stem cell research : Indian and Global scenario, Case studies, Ethical and Legal issues: National (ICMR-DBT) Guidelines in conducting human stem cell research.

Xxxxx, Enzymes in food processing , (4 Credits)

Principles of enzyme assay and kinetic studies, enzyme units, Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes– amylases, cellulase, Hemicellulases, Isomerase, Pectin degradation Fat hydrolyzing enzymes Lipases, Phospholipases Application in Beverage, Juice and Wine making Industry, Enzymes in Dairy Industry, cheese making and ripening aroma and flavor production, cold sterilization, Enzymes in product modification. Debittering, Hydrolysis of Soy protein, fish protein, Milk protein, collagen, Blood protein Tailoring enzyme structure and function Alteration of technical properties, Increasing yields, Raw matter utilization, Improving preservation, flavors.

Xxxxx Molecular Diagnostics (4 Credits)

Introduction to Molecular diagnostics and its significance in post genomic era in health care industry; Gene and signal amplification techniques for diagnostics, Molecular Diagnosis of pathogen (bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan) mediated diseases, Immune disorders, Cancer, and their role in Cancer Management & Cancer Susceptibility; Molecular tools in Genetic counselling, Presymptomatic, Prenatal Testing, and Newborn Screening; Applications in Health care & Forensics: Hemoglobinopathies, Plasmapheresis, and Blood Banking, forensic Medicine & Quarantine; Concerns in Molecular diagnostics and Genetic testing, Regulatory & Ethical issues.

Xxxxx Pharmacogenomics , (4 Credits)

Pharmacogenomics builds up conceptual knowledge of how an individual’s genetic inheritance affects the body’s response to drugs. This integrates disciplines of pharmacology, genomics, next generation sequencing technologies, analysis of data, computational resources, databases and tools. The courses also discuss evolution of pharmacogenomics in context to various medical systems practiced across the world. It also takes into account various organizations and companies offering diagnostic services which have sprung up across the world utilizing the principles of pharmacogenomics

Xxxxx Machine Learning Tools in Bioinformatics , (4 Credits),

Interdisciplinary course covers the overview of machine learning methods and scope in Bioinformatics, Pattern Identification, Motif and profile detection, String search, Data classification: feature selection, Discrimination analysis, Clustering and tree algorithm, statistical inferences and biological interpretation, Gene ontology and microarray data, Fundamental of Artificial neural Network and Hidden Markov Model, Support vectors Machine methods, applications in protein structure and function prediction, data mining in drug discovery, validations , performance evaluation and tools and case studies

Xxxxx Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics , (4 Credits),

Introduction to BioPharmaceutics. Drug concentration and Pharmacological responses. Effect of route of administration on Absorption of drugs, Distribution, Biotransformation and excretion of drugs. Plasma Protein bindingTherapeutic Efficacy. In vitro dissolution testing methods. In vitro-in vivo correlation. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence. Prodrugs. Zero order and First order kinetics, One, two and multi-compartment pharmacokinetic models. Non-linear Pharmacokinetics. Controlled and modified drug release. Drug interactions. Design of Dosing regimens.

Note: The list of electives may be expanded as per need.,