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  • Dr. Amba Agarwal
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)


  • Ph.D. (Economics) from University of Lucknow
  • Master of Arts (Economics) from University of Lucknow
  • Qualified U.G.C- J.R.F - N.E.T Exam conducted by University Grant Commission, New-Delhi.


  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) 1998-2000 and Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) 2000-2002 from University of Lucknow.

Work Experience:

23 Years of Teaching Experience

PhD Guidance:  Awarded (one)

  • Mr. Amritkant Mishra: “Food Inflation Volatility and its Inter-linkages with Crude Oil, Foreign Exchange and Money Supply: An Evidence of India” in 2020.


International Journal:

  • Mishra, A., Dash, A.K. and Agarwal, A., Quest of dynamic linkages between monetary factors and food inflation in India”, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Volume XXX, No. 2(635), summer, pp. 199-210, 2023. (ABDC & UGC CARE)
  • Mishra, A., Dash, A.K., Pandey, S.N. and Agarwal, A., Dynamic spillover among the sectoral indices: Evidence from first and second waves of COVID-19, International Journal of Financial Engineering, Vol 10, No 23, 2023. (Web of Science & ABDC-C)
  • Mishra, A., and Agarwal, A., Food Commodity Price Volatility and Its Nexus with Monetary Factor: An Empirical Analysis of India. Accepted in International Journal of Management Practice (IJMP), 2020, ISSN no 1741-8143. Inderscience publication. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Mishra, A. and Agarwal, A., Do Infrastructure Development and Urbanization Lead to Rural-Urban Income Inequality? Evidence from some Asian Countries. International Journal of Sustainable Economy (IJSE), 11(02), pp 167-183, 2019, DOI: 10.1504/IJSE.2019.099054. (Scopus Indexed and ABDC)
  • Mishra, A., and Agarwal, A., Core Inflation and Economic Growth, Does Nonlinearity Matters? A Nonlinear Granger Causality Analysis. Iranian Economic Review (IER), 23(04), pp 941-961, Dec. 2019, DOI: 10.22059/IER.2019.72998. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Agarwal, A., Mishra, A., and Gupta M., How Does Economic Growth React to Fiscal Deficit and Inflation? An ARDL Analysis of China and India, Arthashastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research, 08(04), pp 07-20, Dec. 2019. (UGC CARE)
  • Mishra, A., and Agarwal, A., How Does Economic Expansion React to Educational Expenditure, Financial Development, and Financial Integration? A Nonlinear Granger Causality and Quantile Regression Analysis in Asian perspective. International Journal of Education Economics and Development (IJEED), 10(03), pp 167-183, Oct. 2019, DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2019.100667.(Scopus Indexed and ABDC)
  • Mishra A. & Agarwal A. “Analysis of Impact of FDI on Economic Growth and Employment. A Study of (BRICS) Nations”. International Journal of Management Research and Review (IJMRR) Volume 7/Issue 6/Article No-10/706-714) June 2017. ISSN 2249-7196. (Index at Google Scholar, Ulrich web, EBSCO, Open J-Gate, Copernicus) Impact factor:2.25
  • Agarwal, A., and Prakash, A., “Entrepreneurship as a Coping Strategy for RisingDemand of Work for a Young Indian Population- An Assessment of Existing Landscape”, Journal of Asian Business Management, Vol.7, No.1, Pg. 39-50, January-June 2015, ISSN : 0974-8636 
  • Agarwal, A., “Panchayati Raj Institutions in the Context of Chaged Development Prardigm in India”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS), August 2015, ISSN: 2249-2496  (Impact Factor 5.650)
  • Agarwal, A. & Prakash, A., “The Role of Government Expenditures in Affecting Fiscal Deficit in India: An Empirical Analysis”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS), Pg. 202-218, May 2015, ISSN: 2249-2496 (Impact Factor 5.650)
  • Agarwal, A., “External Commercial Borrowings As a Source of Infrastructure Financing in India”, Journal of Business Management: An International Journal, Vol.3, No.1, January-June 2011, ISSN: 09751858, pp. 73-83.

Research Report

  • Singh, R.P., Agarwal, A., Sen, S., Development of Agriculture and Allied Sectors State Development Report Tripura, Sponsored by Planning Commission, Government of India, 2009.


  • Agarwal, A.,“Fiscal Decentralization: Financing to Panchayati Raj Institutions in India”, Serial Publications, Daryaganj, ISBN: 81-86771-85-9, Delhi, 2005.

Book Chapters

  • Agarwal, A., “ Disaster Management : A Study of Financing of Disasters Mitigation Programmes in India”, published in New Dimensions of Disasters Management in India, edited by Dr Anjuli Mishra and Dr A K Singh, published by Serials Publications, Daryaganj, Delhi, ISBN 9788183875646, 2012
  • Agarwal, A., “Women Entrepreneurship: Issues, Challenges & Strategies”, published in ‘Women Entrepreneurship in India’ edited by K. Sugna, A.K. Singh and R.V.M.Reddy, published by Serial Publications, Daryaganj, Delhi, Vol.1, pp.393-409, ISBN 978818387562-2, 2012

Conference Publications

  • Mishra A. & Agarwal A. “Bidirectional causal relationship between International trade, financial development and economic growth: Evidence from India,” presented at ETTIC-2020 Embracing the transformative times: An Int. Conf. on Digitalization of Management and Social Sciences, Noida, India, Feb 6th-8th,2020.
  • Mishra A. & Agarwal A. “A Causal Analysis of Money Supply, Food Inflation And Economic Growth In India” International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance at School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Kharagpur, on 7th July 2017. 
  • Mishra A. & Agarwal A. “A Co Integration Analysis of Money, Supply Inflation & Economic Growth in South Asian Countries” International Conference on Prosperous South Asia Opportunity and Challenges at Jaypee Institute of Informatiopn Technology on 27-29 March 2017.
  • Agarwal, A., and Prakash,A., “ Assessment of Present Scenario of Entrepreneurial Environment in India-An Opportunity to Harness the Demographic Dividend”, in the National Seminar on Social Ethics on Technology and Business in Entrepreneurship Management at MITS, Gwalior, under the auspices of Planning Commission, Government of India on October 18 to 20, 2014
  • Agarwal, A., and Varshney, S., “Domestic Violence against Women: Determinants and Causes”, in the National Seminar on “Domestic Violence against Women and Implementation of Domestic Violence Act: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Way Forward” is being organized by Gurukul Sewa Samiti, Jaipur under the auspices of Planning Commission, Government of India on July 28 and 29, 2014
  • Agarwal, A., “Health Finance in India with special reference to Uttar Pradesh” in the National Seminar on “Public Health in India” organized by Institute of Development Studies, University of Lucknow, Oct. 01, 2007.
  • Agarwal, A., “Towards Increased Global Integration through Trade” in the International Conference on “Global Economy and Integration” organized by Indian Institute of Finance , G- Noida on 19th February 2010 at YMCA, G-Noida
  • Sengupta, K. and Agarwal A.,“Approaches to Non-Plan Statutory Fiscal Transfers In India : An Evaluation” in the National Seminar on “Fiscal Tensions and the Award of the Twelfth Finance Commission with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh’ organized by Institute of Development studies, University of Lucknow, Feb.20–21, 2004.
  • Sengupta, K. and Agarwal A.,“Approaches to Non-Plan Statutory Fiscal Transfers In India : An Evaluation” in the National Seminar on “Fiscal Tensions and the Award of the Twelfth Finance Commission with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh’ organized by Institute of Development studies, University of Lucknow, Feb.20–21, 2004.
  • Agarwal, A., “Fiscal Decentralization: With Special Reference to U.P.” in the National Seminar on “Civil Society and The Role of Panchayati Raj in Rural Development” organized by Schumacher Institute, Lucknow on March 4, 2000.
  • Agarwal, A., “Fiscal Needs of Rural Local Bodies in Uttar Pradesh: the Task before the Eleventh Finance Commission” at the National Seminar on “Eleventh Finance Commission and Fiscal Environment of Resourcelessness with Special Reference to U.P.” organized by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Lucknow at Yojana Bhawan, Lucknow, August 31, September 1-2, 1999.

Conferences/Workshop Organized

  • Organized one day Workshop on GST: Concept & Application organised by Department of HSS, JIIT-Noida, on 9th Dec. 2017.
  • Organized one week Faculty Development Programme on Qualitative Methods of Social Science Research on, organised by Department of HSS, JIIT-Noida, from July 10, 2017– July 15, 2017.

Conferences/Workshop Attended

  • Attended one week FDP on “Contemporary approaches for Research and Innovation in Social Sciences" organized by the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida on 21-27 Dec, 2022.
  • Attended five days workshop on ‘The Science & Art of Well-being’ organized by the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida on April 25-29, 2022.
  • Attended three days International Conference on “Quest on International Factors of Entrepreneurship Empowering Economic Growth” International Conference on “Translation across Cultures: Dissolving Boundaries- Creating Harmony” at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology on October 4-6th 2018.
  • Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Innovative Teaching & Research on 9th July – 14th July 2018 at JIIT Sec-62, Noida
  • Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Enhancement of Research Abilities, organised by Department of HSS, JIIT-Noida, from 16th-21st July, 2016.
  • Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Curriculum Development & Implementation, organised by Department of HSS, JIIT-Noida, from 13th-18th July, 2015.
  • Attended two days workshop on “Computational Linguistics”, at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, held from 14th -15th Nov 2014.
  • Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Effective Teaching, organised by Department of HSS, JIIT-Noida, from 28 July to 2nd August, 2014.
  • Attended two-day workshop on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), organised by JIIT-Noida, on 18th and 19th January, 2014.
  • Attended Faculty Development Programme on Analytical Techniques for Reseach in Social Sciences, 22-28 May, 2012, organised by Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research in collaboration with Global Network of Business Researchers, Delhi.
  • Conference on “World environment Day Work Shop on Conservation of Natural Resources : Role of Stake holders”, organized by Regional Center for Urban and Environmental studies, Lucknow University, Lucknow, on 5th June, 2011.
  • Conference on “Entrepreneurial Development organized by Department of Humanities & Social Sciences JIIT- Noida, on 30th October, 2010.

Books Reviewed (Published in National/ International Journals)

  • Mishikin Frederic S.,“Monetary Policy Strategy”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Delhi”,(Review published in Finance India, Vol. XXIV, No.2, June, 2010,pp. 583).
  • Gupta, Pooja, “Financial Instrument Standards: A Guide on IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 7”,Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., Delhi”, (Review published in Finance India, Vol. XXIV, No.2, June, 2010, pp. 588).
  • Soundrapandian, M., “Economic Reforms & Small Scale Industries”,2009, Concept Publishing Company, India, (Review published in Finance India, Vol XXIV, No. 1, March 2010, pp. 200-201).
  • Puttaswamiiah, K, “Milton Friedmen, Nobel Monetary Economist: A Review of His Theories and Policies”, Oxford and IBH Publishimg Company Pvt. Ltd. Delhi (Review published in Finance India, Vol. XXIII No. 4, December, 2009, pp. 1423).
  • Ramchandra, K.S., Politics of Economics and Economics of Politics: A Business Perspectives; International Management Institute, Delhi. (Review published in Finance India, Vol. XXIII No.3, September, 2009, pp.1023-1024).
  • Keat, Paul G., Philip K.Y. Yung and Sreejata Banerjee “Managerial Economic Tools for Today`S Decision Makers”, Pearson Education, U.K. (Review published in Finance India, Vol. XXIII No.2, June, 2009, pp. 665).
  • Sahay A. and V Sharma, “Entrepreneurship & New venture Creation”,2008,Excel book, india. (Review published in Finance India,  Vol XXIII, No. 1, March 2009,  pp.44-245).
  • Salvatore, Dominick, “Managerial Economics in a Global Economy”, Ashgate Publishing Limited, England, UK. (Review published in Finance India, Vol.XXII  No. 4, December, 2008, pp.1448-49).
  • Kolodko, Grzegorz W, “Emerging Market Economics: Globalisation And Development”, Thomson-South Western, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore. (Review published in Finance India, Vol.XX1I No.3, September, 2008, pp.1042-44)